Decorative Window Boxes Delight

Decorative Window Boxes Delight

Create a small garden window with beautiful, colorful window boxes.  These stunning displays create a relaxed and timeless quality that home owners will love and visitors will envy.  Window boxes come in all types of material: vinyl, aluminum, fiberglass, tapered iron, wrought iron and hayrack.  Windowbox has an incredible collection to choose from.

Consider which rooms you use often enough to warrant flower-edged views, as these will come at a price, and give thought to the placement and plant size.  The decorative garden window boxes can also be a chance to add privacy and light screening.  Some stunning plants that compliment window boxes are Geraniums, Kalanchoe, Violet plants, Superbells, Supertunias, Dwarf conifers and many others.   Here are some stunning window boxes set to get you inspired!